Indiana’s expungement statute may be a solution.
The Indiana expungement statue, IC-35-38-9-10(b) states:
(b) It is unlawful discrimination for any person to:
(1) suspend;
(2) expel;
(3) refuse to employ;
(4) refuse to admit;
(5) refuse to grant or renew a license, permit, or certificate necessary to engage in any activity, occupation, or profession; or
(6) otherwise discriminate against;
any person because of a conviction or arrest record expunged or sealed under this chapter.
In other words, Indiana has given individuals a second chance to start over and leave those past criminal convictions and charges in the PAST!
Interested in determining whether your eligible for an expungement? Contact Hope Law Firm TODAY at 574-784-1019.
In the meantime, check out this informational flyer IN.GOV has prepared discussing the expungement process requirements. To begin this process, contact Hope Law Firm at 574-784-1019 and talk to an experienced lawyer!